Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sorachi Ace, Brooklyn Brewery

 Paul's Pick: Sorachi Ace, Brooklyn Brewery (Brooklyn, NY)

Really happy to see this released for the first time in 4 pack 12oz bottles and year round too! Genius move. Named after a quirky hop first developed by Sapporo in Japan in the late 70's (Sorachi Ace) and forgotten about until its revival in 2008 by a family farm in Washington State. It's a hop known for its clean taste and aroma dominated by lemongrass and lemon peel. Brooklyn's interpretation of the classic farmhouse style is unfiltered, with a clean Pilsner malt and a special Belgian yeast strain, dry hopped Sorachi ace hops take centre stage and lend a bright, snappy burst of lemon. Sunshine in a glass indeed!

Pours a straw yellow with a voluminous, healthy fluffy head with an immediate burst of lemon that assails the nose. Light,refreshing and spritzy, reminiscent of champagne with a dry finish and dominated by lemongrass, lemon peel with a touch of coriander and a hint of mint for good measure. It's a beer brewed the hard way and definitely worth fussing over!
"Sorachi Ace" Saison, Brooklyn Brewery (New York) 7.2% ABV. Available in 4 pack 12oz bottles for a ridiculously low price of $8.99.

Side note : I heartily recommend Steve Hindy's (co-founder of Brooklyn Brewery) book "The Craft Beer Revolution" it's fascinating and highly entertaining, documenting the history of the American craft beer movement from the very beginning and the pioneers who shaped it. 

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