12oz bottle poured into a Lake Superior pint glass that I didn't know I had (I know technically a snifter is the vessel of choice for a beer of this magnitude).
ABV : 10.3%
Old Man Winter Warmer (winter) – When it comes to spreading cheer, this Old Man doesn't mess around. Brewed in late spring and aged in our refrigerator until mid-Fall, this barley wine style ale brings a whopping ABV to the task. With mahogany color and flavors of dark fruits, along with oak infusion giving a slight vanilla background, this Old Man Winter Warmer does what its name promises for your nose and your thirst. O.G. 1.101. Available in 12oz. bottles and draft.
My take:
Pours - a dark mahogany, held up to the light reveals it's closer to a dark ruby red.
Smell -is of caramely sugar, booze, molasses, toffee.
Taste - Spices dominate, all-spice, chocolate, a little dark fruit for sure. I was expecting this to be "hot" consdering the high ABV but really it's pleasantly smooth and very drinkable.
Rating: B
Surprised me - Perhaps not overly complex as some other barleywines but I would definetly buy again (a six pack runs for about $12.99). Almost reminds me of 21st Ammendment's "Fireside Chat", albeit a little stronger.
More info:
Lake Superior Brewing Company
2711 W. Superior Street
Duluth, MN 55806
'PH: (218) 723-4000
Email: Info@LakeSuperiorBrewing.com
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