I must confess that porter's are normally not my thing, generally I think of them as a watered down stout, the sort of thing you drink because you have already drank too much or you ate too much! I'm a big fan of Founders (Grand Rapids, MI), they brew some great beers - "Breakfast Stout", "Dirty Bastard" and "Kentucky Breakfast Stout" - come to mind (ok maybe the "Cerise" wasn't so awesome but I digress). Pours a smoky black with a discernable smell of chocolate. Taste is as impressive as the pour - rich chocolate, vanilla, coffee, perhaps liquorice or plum? Seems fairly robust for a porter with a very respectable 6.5% ABV. Bonus marks for the cool packaging featuring a Victorian lady with the caption "Dark, Rich and Sexy". I'd have to agree - a fine beer, I can't imagine many porter's surpassing this one.
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