Latest offering in Summit's (St Paul, MN) wildly popular "Unchained Series" this is as the label says a porter brewed with pumpkin and spices. I had originally tried a sample of this a few weeks back at Acadia and was not impressed but decided to give it another try and I was glad I did. Poured an intense black with a hint of chocolate and spice, I was surprised the pumpkin flavour was more of an after note and not very intense, which is fine by me, since I generally do not like pumpkin beers (Southern Tiers "Pumpking" excepted). Very drinkable, perhaps a little light for an "Imperial" at 7.5% ABV but enjoyable if not an exceptional brew (I thought the previous unleashed Belgian was fantastic). I'd have another one, although I think next time I'll let it sit out for a while as the flavours may be discernable at a warmer temp.