Thursday, September 27, 2012

Chocolate Sombrero, Clown Shoes Brewing

"Chocolate Sombrero" Mexican Style Chocolate Stout by Clown Shoes Brewing (Ipswich, MA)

22oz bomber poured into Ommegang goblet.
Bottled on 5/2012 (nice touch - easy to read as well).
Tasting notes from 9/23/12.

It seems every week there is a new entrant in the ever burgeoning world of craft beer. This week it's Clown Shoes that is responsible for setting beer geeks hearts a-flutter. I'm here to tell you that not all clowns need to be creepy (yes, it took years of therapy to be able to write that sentence). Clown Shoes is a brash contract brewer based in Ipswich, MA that has a mission statement that reads "clowns are questionable but the shoes make me laugh. They remind me about humility and to find humour in life". Chocolate Sombrero is evidence of this humour with the label depicting a somberero-wearing Mexican wrestler on the label. The beer is no laughing matter - this is a Mexican-style stout with ancho chile and vanilla extract and lots of chocolate malt. The beer pours a beautiful midnight black with a thin tan collar and the smell is of roasty chocolate. With a laundry list of ingredients the taste does not dissapoint - thick, rich and decadent with discernible notes of chocolate, coffee and a hint of spiciness. Even with the substantial ABV that weighs in at 9% I didn't find this particularly boozy. Would make an excellent dessert beer. As a first introduction to the brewery I'm very impressed. It may not inspire me to run away and join the circus but it will make me want to devour more of their beers. Chocolate Sombrero is available in 22oz bomber for around $8.49 and is part of their limited release series.
Rating: A
As a first introduction to this brewery I can honestly say I got more than I expected. Also tried Tramp Stamp Belgian IPa (initial impression - sweet and fruity but not bad) and also Brash Bollocks Imperial IPA (12% wow! my sort of beer - not Maharaja standard but decent, well brewed). Impressed.
Beer Advocate rating : 87 (Good)
RateBeer Score : 97
In their own words:
"Roasted dark malts plus extra chocolate malts plus ancho chile plus a chocolate loving beer drinking, clown shoes wearing, multi limbed gorgeous and glorious Mexican wrestler on the label. That's the recipe for a chocolate sombreror".
Distributed in Minnesota by Clear River (Rush City, MN) Millstream, McNeill's etc
More about the brewery:
Clown Shoes Brewing Company*
23 Hayward Street
Ipswich, MA 01938
*Contract brewed by Mercury Brewing Company (Ipswich, MA) which confusingly is also known as Ipswich Ale Brewery
Clown Shoes produces a ridiculous amount of beers, some with very cringe-worthy names (Tramp Stamp, Muffin Top, Lubrication, Pimp)! which fits in well with their attitude "produce beer without pretension while being free and a little crazy".
Year Round:
Hoppy Feet, Brown Angel, Clementine, Tramp Stamp,Eagle Claw Fist, Lubrication, Supa Hero, Miracle, Let my people go
Pecan Pie Porter, Hoppy Feet 1.5, Clementine 1.5, Muffin Top, BlaeCorn Unidragon, Vampire Slayer,Chocolate Sombrero, Pimp
Super Limited (made once):
Angry Beast, Fight of the Pimp, Third Party Candidate.