The latest limited seasonal release from Lagunitas (Petaluma, CA) is described as "our own Bavarian Style Doppel Weizen". Having read an on-line review that likened the taste to ham (WTF)?! I simply had to try it.
This is the first time Lagunitas have offered, essentially what is, a double hefeweizen and it's inspired by the German builders of their new brewery system (Rolec) who supplied the Bavarian yeast strain.
Poured from a 24oz bomber into (very appropriately) an Aventinus Weizenstarkbier .5L chalice. I'm not sure the picture does justice to the thick, fluffy, pillowy white cone-shaped head - awesome - and definitely on par with some of the German weissbiers I've had. Off to a great start then, now on to the colour - orangey (is that a word?), copper, hazy. Delicious looking.
Taste - to be honest I was expecting the signature Lagunitas citrusy hoppy taste on my palate but instead I got cloves and hints of banana and citrus. Sorry - no ham! I think an appropriate description of this beer would be a hefe on steriods, at 9% ABV this packs a punch that you can really feel by the time the glass is drained. Maybe a little strange to be drinking this in the first week of October but given our Indian Summer in MN this year didn't seem out of place on a glorious sunny Sunday watching football (newflash - Vikings lost)!
Rating : B/B+
Another solid offering from one of my favourite breweries. As always delivering bang for the buck, well worth the $4.99 or so you'll pay at your local store. Prost!